Fire Team Reservation Etiquette - builder changes? (Destiny)

by Earendil, Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:09 (3410 days ago) @ Kermit

You would invite a tentative player to your party before you'd invite a committed player?

Yes. If they're on my friend's list and I don't see them on, I might not, but otherwise, why would I not?

I suppose my answer to that is already posted here.

I feel like we're taking a nice-to-have feature that was added by request and overthinking it.

I feel like over thinking is what I do. Feel free to take part or not ;-)
As described in the link above, I actually don't understand what the purpose of the "nice-to-have" feature is if there is no difference in the outcome. But also as I posted, I have a way around that for my own uses :)

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