
Put another way, what's the difference? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:29 (3410 days ago) @ Earendil

It seems that most people so far as saying it doesn't matter whether you are marked tentative or confirmed, they will invite in the order people are listed. If so, what's the difference between marking yourself one way or the other?

So as a fireteam leader, I want to see commitment.
As a fireteam joiner, I don't understand what I get for being committed.

That's just the sociologist in me being curious, really. On a practical front I can put in my own events that I shall invite committed people first, to encourage people to carve out the time. Since I have a way around the system, I suppose I will refrain from making suggested changes to the FTB for the time being :)

Yes, do that. It's your choice. Seems like that leaves everyone happy.

Here's my etiquette: If I am the organizer, that's the strongest commitment I can make. Barring uncontrollable circumstances (this has happened) I will be on at the scheduled time and ready to run that event even if no one has signed up. Maybe they meant to but didn't. Regardless, my gamertag is there and they can join at the last second (this has happened).

If I'm the joiner who is committed, that means that (barring unforeseen circumstances) I'll be there regardless of who has or hasn't shown up. Regarding knowing I'll be playing (based on commitment levels or other players), well, I'm not a fortune teller. I know that things don't always work out. (I've misread the time. I've had mic trouble when I needed my mic to form teams. Crappenstance.) I would hope that other committed players would make an effort to show up even if the roster isn't full.

I see a tentative status is an indication of desire but an acknowledgement that another commitment might take precedence at the scheduled time. I appreciate explanations in the comments and updates as peoples' schedule firm up.

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