
On Intent (and a code update) (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Friday, January 30, 2015, 15:40 (3410 days ago) @ Xenos

I've updated the display of RSVPs on the Event pages so that confirmed RSVPs are shown above tentative RSVPs. However, if you RSVP tentatively early on and later confirm, your name goes back into the position where it would have gone when you originally RSVPd. I think it's a fair mix of first-come, first-serve and confirmed/tentative ordering.

I think this is a great compromise, the only concern I have is that looking at the event later you may not realize that although your listed as 5th, two people could at any time turn off tentative and now you're off the list! It's not a huge problem, just thinking aloud (err... in pixels?)

Yes. We've introduced more uncertainty for everyone.

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