
Fire Team Reservation Etiquette - builder changes? (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Saturday, January 31, 2015, 09:23 (3410 days ago) @ Doooskey

I'm glad you posted. It sheds light on Earendil's first post. I, too, would be disappointed if I'd committed before the team was full and didn't get in. I've organized a lot of events (at least two per week I think since the builder came online), and I know it can get dicey. I've made some mistakes, too, and had some mishaps.

I posted too much about it yesterday, but here I will try to state succinctly why I will continue to invite people in the order they sign up, regardless of their commitment level.

I want to create an environment that promotes honesty. We all have busy lives, and if the scheduled time is a little problematic for you, I want you to be honest and say that you're tentative without feeling like you're going to be penalized for doing so. I don't read tentatives as being a reflection of less interest, but simply a reflection of the fact that most of us are adults with competing priorities. If people are more honest, this also gives people who are thinking about joining up a more accurate reflection of how long the queue is, and how "solid" that line is. The latter was my reason for wanting the default view to be what it was, especially since organizers who have a different philosophy than mine could work with what we had. I preferred that we all see the sign-up order by default simply because it's simpler and less likely to confuse. I can work with what we have now, though.

That is all.

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