
Exotic Hand Cannon Concept: Magic Bullet (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Friday, March 20, 2015, 02:19 (3473 days ago) @ Kahzgul
edited by iconicbanana, Friday, March 20, 2015, 02:54

Getting kills wouldn't be the key to the multiplier; just consecutive hits. I'm actually concerned about too much damage; in crucible, after one headshot, you could just hit body shots and 3 hit kill anybody. Balancing this thing between PvE and PvP would be the real problem, I think; at the very least, it would probably require different scaling on the multiplier.

The problem here is that, in today's crucible, a three-hit kill is too slow for a hand cannon unless it fires as quickly as The Last Word. Thorn, Hawkmoon, Timur's Lash, The Devil You Know.... They can all 2-shot you with headshots (some with one headshot and one body shot). So if you have a slow ROF hand cannon, it needs - NEEDS - to be able to 2-shot. Because of how the perk here is designed, it would need to be a 3 shot kill for the first kill and 2 shot kills (with body shots) thereafter, or it would simply never be used because there are so many alternative guns that are always 2 shot kills if one shot is a headshot.

Hm. Hadn't considered that three shot bodyshots might be too slow. If it fired as fast as the Thorn, I feel it would be a little too good. You need to line up headshots with Thorn, and at close range that's difficult. Hip firing body shots with this thing at close range could be extremely OP; fast fire rates on top would be game breaking. Definitely an area to play around with; two shot kills could also lead to 5 kills per mag; you'd have to drop mag size as damage or RoF increases.

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