
Question about Devil You Know (Destiny)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Friday, March 20, 2015, 17:50 (3472 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Any advice on specific rolls I should look for?

Others have already covered the fact that you can't buy it anymore (which is a shame, it was a great weapon). I thought it was worth adding that, even if you could, the rolls never change on the versions that are sold at the Vanguard/faction vendors. Only way to get a different roll would be from an engram.

That being said, I know someone who (from an engram) got a Devil You Don't with field scout, and for reasons I don't quite understand, it took the capacity from 5 to 13. It's still a pretty different gun from Devil You Know, but having a lot of shots was ONE of the things that made the original so good, so that roll is worth keeping an eye out for. If you could get that, a decent sight (I hate the ones the Vanguard version comes with), and something to increase range, you'd be getting pretty close.

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