
You can get them on DVD. (Off-Topic)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, April 16, 2015, 21:32 (3313 days ago) @ Xenos

They definitely still exist somewhere in some form. I own the DVD version of the trilogy that came with the original theatrical release, and you can get it still, but you're going to pay for it! For example here is Episode IV on DVD, with both the special edition and original theatrical release, it'll just cost you $34.

Edit: It occurred to me these could just be transfers from the Laser Disc version, not sure though.

That is what I have, & the 'original theatrical release' versions are poor. IIRC they're the letterboxed versions (sounds good right?) but presented as a 4x3 video (ugh), so watching it on a 16x9 screen you get the letterboxed bars on top&bottom, PLUS 4x3 bars on the sides. I pretty sure they were pulled from the laserdisc version, or maybe even the VHS version. I just remember watching them and being very disappointed in the quality of the video. Now the quality of the 'lucas hacked' discs are great. It's almost like Lucas wanted to spit in his fans eye. "Oh, they want the original theatrical version? Sure, ok, but make it crappy so my changes look good."

Now, I could be wrong on the details, but I recall they were pretty bad.

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