No ETA for 1.2.0 (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 15:14 (3321 days ago)

Looks like they discovered a major technical issue with the 1.2.0 update and are working to fix it. No ETA on when it will go out.
Good morning, Guardians (or afternoon or evening, wherever you are).

I've spoken with the finest minds at Bungie about Update 1.2.0 just moments ago. They're working to correct a late-breaking technical issue that would have impacted the way the game launches for a large portion of you. Progress is being made.

We'll be sharing new details on the deployment schedule that leads to House of Wolves as soon as they become facts. At the very least, you'll hear from me once a day about this. Hang in there, and thank you for your patience.

DeeJ, out

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