
The Master Chief Collection is definitely a black eye for us (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, May 14, 2015, 12:57 (3321 days ago) @ Korny

Yeah, I read that recently, which is why I said they're barely acknowledging it. At this point, calling the MCC a "black eye" nearly half a year after release is kind of putting it lightly with regards to goodwill with customers and community, and the rest of his post is more of the blatant lying that we're familiar with. They imply that in their test environment the game was good to go, when that's clearly not the case given the near-universal issues that plagued the customers (many which persist to this day).

I don't have specific details, and I couldn't share them even if I did, but everything I've heard backs up the notion that 343 genuinely believed they were shipping a working game when MCC launched. The fact that it was broken really did take them by complete surprise.

Which would have been one thing, but what they should have done is immediately acknowledge it, and issue a statement advising people not to buy the game, or at least keep them updated with a list of reported issues that they were going to address.
What they did was try their best to sweep it under the rug by changing the subject at every chance and by pantomiming concern (and trying to play it safe money-wise by delaying an already-finished game, Spartan Strike).... And the second the Halo 5 Beta got near, they shoved that down everyone's throats (sure didn't delay that, did they?).

The Halo 5 dev team is a completely different group from the team working on MCC. There is no way Microsoft or 343 would let another title derail their plans for Halo 5.

What I DO have a problem with is 343 opening Halo 5 preorders in December, when MCC was still a flaming wreck. Beyond that, they were even promoting and selling a collector's edition without telling fans what would be included with it. THAT is full-blown exploitation of the fan-base. "We don't have to ship games that are good, we don't have to ship games that work... Hell, we don't even need to tell them what they are paying extra for! Just put Halo on the box and people will buy it! MUAHAHAHA!"

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