
The Master Chief Collection is definitely a black eye for us (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 21:47 (3321 days ago) @ Funkmon

Quoth Frankie.

We’re not going to rest on our laurels or hide from the mistakes we made. However, I will say that the nature of The Master Chief Collection - you’ve got five different game engines, you’ve got five different studios working on it, you’ve got 343 working on putting it all together - the footprint and complexity was outrageous.

To be perfectly honest, there were a lot of things that happened when we got it into a retail environment that we simply didn’t see in a test environment, so that’s what really caught us by surprise. We’ve been sort of scrambling to get it first in a playable stage and now we’re going to get it in a polished stage, so that people are getting what they deserved in the first place. We’re never going to back away from that or shy away from that.

Yeah, I read that recently, which is why I said they're barely acknowledging it. At this point, calling the MCC a "black eye" nearly half a year after release is kind of putting it lightly with regards to goodwill with customers and community, and the rest of his post is more of the blatant lying that we're familiar with. They imply that in their test environment the game was good to go, when that's clearly not the case given the near-universal issues that plagued the customers (many which persist to this day).

Bungie has acknowledged their mistakes, and they are making drastic leaps and bounds (compared to how they started) to correct them. HoW is essentially Bungie's apology for the Destiny we got, and with that in mind, I'm okay with them stumbling a bit with the update. At least they're trying, and talking to us.

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