
I think more characters is less grinding and more reward. (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Friday, May 15, 2015, 05:08 (3328 days ago) @ Avateur

More characters means you have more choice of what you want to do and still get rewards. What if you HAD 200 strange coins? Then you could have that Suros you have been coveting.

What if you don't want to do the rocket launcher kills bounty? No problem. Get on your hunter and do the crucible bounties you LIKE doing. 3 nightfalls is rough, but spread them over the week and it gives you more rep, it's more fun (and sometimes you get a bounty for doing stuff there), and you get more chances for guns. With one guy, you do the nightfall, and when the Aksor bounty comes up, you say fuck it. When the heroic or nightfall bounty comes up, you say fuck it. But with 3 guys, you think "Oh yeah, I can do that on my Hunter! That will be fun!"

Nobody's forcing you to play all 3. It just opens up more activities you like with rewards.

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