I think more characters is less grinding and more reward. (Destiny)

by Avateur @, Friday, May 15, 2015, 19:06 (3319 days ago) @ Funkmon

Everything you just described sounds like a grindy mess. I play Destiny to have fun, not to get coins and unlocks. I also have more Strange Coins and things than I know what to do with on my Titan, which I assume I would just shovel over to whatever new character I create anyway. I'm so bored of Nightfalls that I haven't even touched one in about two months. Bungie's lack of story and narrative has killed my motivation to care about most of the "campaign" experiences and challenges outside of the Raids, and even those have gotten old at this point.

House of Wolves looks to be providing a bunch of new content and experiences that I'm very much looking forward to. It'll be a nice change of pace, and there are definitely some things that I want to work toward. I don't know where another character fits into all of that yet, but I think that after I get my Horus armor going, I may start a Warlock and make it very House of Wolves focused. Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris looks pretty nifty, and I'm wondering how a new character might work in both based on my play style. :D

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