Seconded (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Friday, May 15, 2015, 11:42 (3328 days ago) @ MacAddictXIV

When I first started Destiny I was determined not to be a Titan - I've been enough space marines. Same with Hunters - I always play stealth characters, and hunter is as close to that as you can reasonably get. No, I was going to be a Warlock.

And then it turned out I didn't really enjoy being a Warlock. The jump was awkward, the grenades (at least the Void and Scatter) were uninteresting, and I hadn't unlocked Sunsinger so even the melee was boring. It doesn't help that I can't hit anything with Nova Bomb. Mostly I think it was the jump though.

So I begrudgingly rolled a Titan. Turns out I was a Titan all along, on the inside. Titan Smash.

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