
Dinklebot *minor sp* (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 13:12 (3315 days ago) @ SIX min WHISTLE

I've done all the major story stuff besides the high level Prison of Elders, and so far zero Ghost dialogue, just like Dark Below. I was a bit worried this would happen the moment a celebrity was announced as his VA. The base game pretty clearly tried to paint him as a partner, like Cortana. It's just lame that our Ghost can't speak any more.

The only new line of dialogue that he has had was at the beginning of the Undying Mind strike. Other than that, he ded. I imagine they have a number of cut lines in reserve, but who knows if they'll find a place/time to use them.

I kind of thought a while back that they may have already recorded him for these areas, since some of them were the same ones we broke into with glitches months ago.

Other than that though, I'm thourghly enjoying HoW. The new story missions felt better than DB, even if a couple were in totally reused areas. The overall tweaks to economy, grinding, and gear progression are big improvements for me. I'll be playing regularly again now at least.

And about the on-disc areas. The fact that they were as done as they were, along with the Reef hub being in trailers before release, really makes me think that HoW, or at least a chunk of it, was supposed to be here at launch, and was cut for time. I hope we get a confirmation of the rumored cuts eventually, even if it's years down the line.

Bungie has addressed this numerous times, through numerous avenues. I honestly don't know why this "on-disk" crap is still a thing...

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