
HoW *major sp* in this post (Destiny)

by slycrel ⌂, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 15:43 (3315 days ago) @ Korny

The VoG was all about running into things you weren't familiar with and learning. What would have been the point of showing you how to do half of it before you had a chance to tackle it? What they had were game mechanics at their disposal that they can reuse if they find a way to do so. The Terminus (Terminal?) area with the new jumping platforms looked completely different at launch, and the VO comments on the similarities to the puzzle in the VoG. Why would she do that unless players were assumed to be familiar with it?

Going to have to disagree with you on this part. They did a bunch of things, from the regular story missions (i.e. standing on a plate to activate the gatelord's portal) to public events (prevent vex sacrifices for example) to prepare you, and give you a little context, for the vault of glass run.

To the larger point, which I think you agree with...

I don't know if all this was supposed to be planned before or not... but it doesn't really matter. They were responsible developers and cut the right things out to make a very good base game. Regardless of if they planned to have this in originally or not, it got cut for development at that time for any number of reasons. I don't care because by them cutting it, it meant that destiny got shipped last September. Otherwise we may just be seeing it ship or still waiting for it to be finished.

I'd love for destiny to be more than it is. But they're being conservative, to make money. So they can keep making DLC and Destiny 2. Developing AAA games like destiny isn't cheap. They're being smart about it.

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