
Dinklebot *minor sp* (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:57 (3315 days ago) @ Vortech

I actually found it kind of hilarious that new characters have actually started speaking for our ghost. For example, in one mission Petra tells us what our ghost sensors are detecting at that point. I'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players said the want I'm inclined i'm not sure that it's because the ghost had a voice actor who was famous. The public reaction to the voice of the ghost was pretty negative. So much of the destiny expansions have been reactive to what the players to believe that is the reason why.

I was laughing so hard when Petra said that line.

They also could easily have tossed in a Dinkle "This will just take a moment" or "Hang on" or something line when you use the ghost in that story mission.

I bet they didn't because of the fact that this is an expansion. If it was part of the original product, then use of his voice would have been covered under the original contract, but because the expansion costs extra money, they'd have had to pay Dinkle extra if they wanted to use him again (and I hope they didn't want to, because damn he sucked).

I 100% agree that they should re-cast this role.

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