
Dinklebot *minor sp* (Destiny)

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 14:36 (3315 days ago) @ Korny

Because it was on the disc, just giving us an excuse doesn't make it go away.

I'm not that bothered by Destiny because it was clearly not finished, just some of the level geometry was in, I was just wondering about the originally planned scope of the base game, it seems like HoW elements were planned for the full game, but they didn't have enough time to finish it. The Reef in the trailer, the on-disc locations (one of which had enemies spawn including a boss), and the in engine Crow cutscene that are still MIA. Hell, probably the same thing with Dark Below. It was possible to get into Raputin's Bunker in the BETA.

It only really bothers me when something was obviously held back for paid DLC, like the day one Javik DLC for Mass Effect 3, of which some was also on the disc and the early leaked script had him as a major element. I don't get the sense that HoW was cut to be sold separately. All the meat of HoW is brand new. I am wondering why they decided to remove the Ghost Shell from the Cosmodrome area though.

I bet if Halo 2 had come out in this era, we'd have gotten a story DLC with the last few missions that were planned.

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