

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, May 01, 2013, 11:32 (4233 days ago) @ kidtsunami

Eh, I can still see it going wrong.

Some randoms see you rollin, they gaming, patrolling trying to match your party.
Tryin to match your party.
Tryin to match your party.
Tryin to match your party.
Tryin to match your party.
Your DLC is so load.
You're waiting.
They hoping match your party.
They hoping match your party.
They hoping match your party.
They hoping match your party.

But it only works for a moment? because you're trying to go to a DLC zone? They get some immersion breaking UI saying "hey, you don't have the DLC to go where KidTsunami is going, goto the marketplace NOW to download it!!!"

Yeah not cool.

Best part is I typed out each line of the first chorus because I honestly got caught up in it.

CAVEAT, Just talking about how bad it could get, I'm very hopeful that it won't be like above

Well since they have said there won't be menus and that matchmaking will be seamless, I doubt it'll be like that. I am actually kind of doubting that release date DLC (if there is any) will be new locations. If they wanted to make it seamless it seems the easiest way would be to just not have it as an option when you are IN the actual game and have DLC "management" outside of the game. Pure speculation of course.

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