Read it.... (Destiny)

by Earendil, Friday, June 12, 2015, 16:00 (3246 days ago) @ red robber

Call me old fashioned, but I really don't mind reading, and think that many stories are told better as text. Do I think TLOTR movies are an incomplete telling of the story? Yes. Do I think all that info should have been squeezed into the movie? @#$% no. If you want to understand more about the movies, go read the books. And if you want to understand the books better, go read the Silmarillion, which is borderline written in Grimoire farm.

and it was the hardest thing I've ever tried to read. The beginning was kinda cool. It started like the Bible, and it also had lineages IIRC. Also it was more of a collection of stories, much like the Bible/Grimoire, not a single evolving story arc.

Your memory is quite good. It was not the kind of material that you'd want to squeeze into TLOTR books, nor is it material that stands on its own very well. But as backstory and context for those that want more detail, it works pretty well. That's how I feel about the Grimoire as a whole, it should not be thrown into Destiny in its entirety.

Rather OT, but it's actually the Silmarillion that I'd love for Hollywood to tackle. The stories are epic and good enough for a good film, but not so detailed that Hollywood would have trouble conveying everything in two hours.

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