
Flight of the Necrochasm (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, July 13, 2015, 12:37 (3521 days ago)

During our Crota hard mode raid earlier this week, a few of us decided to make things interesting. Instead of the usual flock of Fatebringers, 3 of us threw caution into the wind and equipped our Necrochasms. It made our run through the Abyss sloppy, frantic, and hilarious.

The punch line? The 3 of us using the Necrochasm were the only 3 to make it through alive :D

The thing is, I do believe this is one of the few sections of the game where the Necrochasm can be useful... I just think you need a fireteam full of them. 6 guardians using the Necro at the same time can put out a formidable stream of firepower. Thrall are one of the few enemies in the game weak enough to be vulnerable to such a low-impact weapon, and with 6 of them in play you just might get enough explosive headshots to make a difference.

One of these days I'd love to run the raid on Normal with a full fireteam using Necrochasms as their only primary weapons, just for the giggles.

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