^ Same. It's a marketing/legal problem. (Destiny)

by DerekT07, Tennessee, Tuesday, July 14, 2015, 03:05 (3520 days ago) @ dogcow

I really think it's that type of problem, too. However, I think the executives and marketing departments are missing the truth of the situation. Cross-platform multiplayer seems to me like it would probably drive sales on both consoles because people who have one console currently have no ability to play any games with their friends who have the other (assuming all parties only have a single console). Imagine if Destiny pioneered true cross-platform multiplayer. Even gamers who weren't absolutely enthralled by Destiny's gameplay would be drawn in by the fact that they could play with all of their friends. It would be unique on the market for a while, helping to drive up its install base and create dedicated fans for future installments. I wouldn't expect that more copies of Destiny would be sold to people who are willing to buy the game on two separate consoles to play with two different subsets of their friends than the number of potential new buyers who would jump on the ability to play cross-platform because no other game has that.

What do I know though? I just would love to see that happen so that I can play with all of my friends who decided to get Playstations (which is all of my friends except one). :P

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