
^ I suspect this is the biggest TECHNICAL barrier. (Destiny)

by ZackDark @, Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, July 13, 2015, 20:15 (3521 days ago) @ dogcow

Perhaps you could auto equip a non-exclusive, if they don't have one give them a khvostov, if their inventory is full of exclusives prompt them to delete one before they can play

I don't particularly like this solution. You would be hindered for buying two copies of the game, since you'd have no way to separate the accounts (barring providing yet another e-mail to Bungie).

(really, in this extreme edge case they're asking for problems, why the crap would you be carrying around 10 Monte Carlos?).

Don't think of it as 10 Monte Carlos, but as a combination of exclusives. A Monte Carlo, a Hawkmoon, a 4th Horseman, the new exclusive guns, etc.

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