
I think we all know it's superior. (Destiny)

by Speedracer513 @, Dallas, Texas, Monday, July 13, 2015, 18:14 (3521 days ago) @ Funkmon

I mean, the 360 is the best console held back by dumpy hardware, followed by the PS4, the Bone, and the PS3. But many of us Xboners stayed in the ecosystem from Halo. That's where my friends were and generally are. And, while Halo 4 wasn't my cup of tea, I am going to give future Halo games a try. 343 is good people. And I mean that. They are good people, and they have a lot of talent and vision.

I totally get that. I am really glad that I went mainly PS4 for this generation and for the friends I've made there. At the same time, I've realized even more over the last month or so that some of my favorite people to play with are still in the Xbox ecosystem. I'm really glad that I've been fortunate enough to keep one foot over there.

And, while I'd like to support our Bungie.org friend over at Naughty Dog, too, I just don't have the dough.

Wait... Who is our Bungie.org friend at Naughty Dog?!??

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