
For the first time in my life a Sony E3 event is my priority

by TTL Demag0gue ⌂ @, Within the shadow of the Traveler, Friday, May 24, 2013, 13:00 (4210 days ago) @ Xenos

I keep going back and forth.

I'm in a similar boat. My budget won't allow me to purchase a next-gen console right out of the starting gate, which I'm starting to think is a kind of minor blessing, since it'll give me a chance to evaluate based on consumer reviews and to allow both companies to work out any issues with their respective consoles. On the one hand, I've been an Xbox loyalist for years, but on the other, PlayStation is starting to show a stronger, more consumer-friendly console than Microsoft. I'm still on the fence, and I'll likely stay there until we know a lot more about the way Microsoft intends to handle their business model moving forward.

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