
Trials Stats. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 07:35 (3334 days ago)

Big changes this week to stats:

1. Removal of Bungie's ranking i.e. Combat Rating, History page, and Normalization are now hidden.
2. Reorganization of the columns on the sheet for easier data entry.
3. 3 new columns added. RD/G, Support Index, and RRR
4. Added 9 new GT's.

RD/G is the Revive Differential per game. It's basically the spread of revives. If your number is +1 then you revived 1 more than you were revived.

Support index has been listed for a while but now it's calculated. This is a representation of how well you support your team through reviving, assisting in kills, creating orbs, and staying alive.

Now we have an official Red Robber Ranking (TM'd by Xenos, he takes 25% of my earnings). Your RRR is a combination of your Power Index and Support Index weighted more heavily to the PI. I think PI does a better job of "ranking" players based on their real winning potential but I wanted a way to give credit to those who keep their Ringers alive.

For the first time.... The official DBO Triple R Top 5.

1. Cyber-KN
2. erin_n_a
3. squidNH3
4. munky-058
5. cruelLEGACEY

We have a new member in our Top 5 Power Rankings as well. Let's congratulate erin_n_a for grabbing the #2 spot as a new entry.

*****Sheet is set to EDIT so you may all sort without getting the strange errors******
Be careful not to change any of the data. Don't fret if you do though. You can always hit the undo button. I also have a backup copy as well. Email me if the sheet seems off or comment below and I'll compare it to my backup to double check.

Click here to see the new ToO stats.

I'll be updating the other stat sheets in the future and adding more GT's as well. Fingers are crossed that we can figure out how to auto update these things straight from bungie's API (points at Beorn :). If anyone can help implement this or would like to take over/develope a sheet, let me know. Community collaboration is a good thing.

Future updates will include a tab for stats from popular community members, and I'm thinking of adding a column to check off when a GT has made it to the lighthouse. I'd like to see that all names eventually get a check :)

Finally, If we can get 2 more GT's the sheet will be at an even 50. Let me know if you are interested in stats and I'll add you as soon as I can. If you want to be removed, I can do that to.

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