
Trials Stats. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 22:56 (3487 days ago) @ squidnh3

I really find these stats interesting and love that Red Robber puts his time into these (and certainly have got some enjoyment out of my high rating), but I think to really nail down how a player contributes to his team we'd need some more advanced statistics. Think about baseball; it started out a long time ago, with simple things like batting average, ERA, whatever. Now it's progressed to things like WAR (wins over replacement) and BABIP (batting average on balls in play) which can be used to predict future player performance.

A couple of things that come to mind would be K/D in close matches (where both teams win at least 2 rounds), K/D in winning rounds vs. K/D in losing rounds, round winning percentage vs. round losing percentage on a round in which you die, some way of discounting garbage time revives (which are still sometimes important if the other team has Sunsingers).

Obviously those things would require some more advanced analysis and data collection method (stats API?). I don't even know if that type of data is even available.

Not even related to Trials, a stat that would be nice to have in normal Crucible would be a point spread (points awarded vs. points given to the other team). Especially in Control, K/D only tells some of the story: kills when you control 2 zones are worth more, and deaths when the other team controls 2 zones are worse. Getting killed by 2 players is 50% worse than getting killed by 1, due to the additional 50 points for the assist.

This gives me some ideas for the points based games. Score per minute played, Score per kill. I did develop a K/G vs D/G spread for one of the gametypes. It really shows you how much you are adding to the team. If your spread is +4 then at a minimum you provided 4 more kills which is a minimum of 400 more points. If -1 then you gave away 100 points min to the other team. Unfortunately there are so many scenarios and additional points, it's tough to calculate them all into a usable rating. If you have any ideas, let me know and maybe we can work out some new stats!

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