
Trials Stats. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 14:50 (3489 days ago) @ Xenos

Just a thought though... I think there might be something that the current stat breakdown doesn't capture. This came up briefly in conversation a couple week's ago, while looking specifically at Ottermack's stats. Based on the current rankings, his Support rating is quite a bit lower than I would have expected. It appears to be because he is revived more often than he revives his teammates (please correct me if I'm wrong). Cody pointed out a few weeks ago that the numbers here can be misleading, and I agree. As someone who plays with Ottermack on a regular basis, I think he is extremely good at positioning himself such that if he does go down, he is within revive-range of his teammates. In other words, he doesn't run off and die in a spot where we can't get to him and bring him back. That is something that I personally am not always so good at. So because I am more likely to die in impossible-to-reach places, Ottermack can't revive me as often as I revive him, which in turn harms his support rating.

I have no idea if this is possible to capture using statistics... what do you think?

This is why Halo (along with other FPSes) never really provided ranked objective games. It's almost impossible to take everything into account. A good example is playing bait. You may not even get an assist or a kill, but just your presence on an enemy's radar in a flanking position can help your teammates out. Somethings can't be quantified, only qualified.

They can be quantified, in a manner of speaking... just as Ottermack how many Adept trials weapons he has ;)

Jokes aside, very good point. Numbers can't always paint the entire picture.

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