
Trials Stats. (Destiny)

by red robber @, Crawfish Country, Wednesday, August 12, 2015, 13:22 (3489 days ago) @ Korny

For the first time.... The official DBO Triple R Top 5.

1. Cyber-KN
2. erin_n_a
3. squidNH3
4. munky-058
5. cruelLEGACEY

We have a new member in our Top 5 Power Rankings as well. Let's congratulate erin_n_a for grabbing the #2 spot as a new entry.


Bump ME off the top three, will ya?

Though I have neglected Trials on PS4 for a few weeks now...

and you dropped to 5 in the Power Index. You may be in danger of falling out all together, just becoming a ghost of rankings past. Your Xbox tag was still able to climb 1 spot in PI even with the addition of some new power players on the PS side, Good job. I challenge you to get both in the top five of either RRR or PI.

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