
Feeling Old (Off-Topic)

by bluerunner @, Music City, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 18:00 (3487 days ago) @ Durandal

Mine's a mix of old and country:
- We had a party line (several households sharing the same phone line).
- I was about to start college when they paved our road.
- Never had cable, but finally got satellite in high school.
- First computer was an Apple II. It was a loaner from a rich couple who owned a farm 5 miles away.
- I watched more TV on a black and white TV than color during my childhood. Much of that TV watching before I was school age was done in a chicken house.
- During most of my childhood we didn't have a street address, just a route and box number.
- Even though we had indoor plumbing, we still had an outhouse out back.
- I learned to drive a tractor before learning to drive a car.
- I got my first Walkman when I was 10 and wore out a Don Williams cassette tape while working on our farm.

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