
Feeling Old (Off-Topic)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, August 13, 2015, 18:16 (3487 days ago) @ Durandal

I'm so old...

My Xbox handle has no numbers and is a legible, normal word
I played Pathways into Darkness when it first came out
I recall my games fitting on a single 3.5' disk with room to spare

Ditto to all of that.

I played games on a green screen outside of the aged school computer labs

I remember when our school got one of the first computer labs in the state, it was full of Apple ][e's, they all had green screens. I spent all the time in there that I could. Oregon Trail, Logo Turtle Graphics & Printshop FTW!

I used to frequent arcades when games were 20 cents to play.
I used to keep 20 cents in my Kangaroo shoes (they had pockets!) so as to call home on a pay phone so my parents could pick me up.
I remember when the price of a soda at a vending machine jumped to 40 cents!
At the age of 6 most of my classmates and I would walk several blocks home alone and no one thought this was strange at all.
I ordered the special Haley's Comet Matchbox car when it last came around, chipped off the paint playing with it and repainted it to match KITT from KnightRider.

Yup to most of this, except I only vividly recall the arcades being a quarter, maybe 20¢.

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