
Feeling Old (Off-Topic)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 19:27 (3487 days ago) @ Cody Miller

- The first computer I remember using was either an IBM or Compaq Portable Personal Computer. I THINK it was the IBM. My dad had brought it home from work and given it to us after it had been replaced. It's about the size of a desktop computer now with a tiny green screen and a keyboard that clipped on the top/front.

- Eventually we got a Macintosh Classic, which is where I learned to love computers.

- My first console was a Sega Master System with Wonder Boy in Monster Land (so good!) and After Burner.

- First experience with the "Internet" was actually connecting to Prodigy and playing really bad 8-bit games.

- I got in trouble for leaving AOL on overnight to download the Warcraft demo.

- I learned my first "programming" in HyperCard.

- Ambrosia made the best Shareware games.

- Mac OS 9 was a piece of crap even at the time.

- I remember thinking Zip drives were amazing.

- I remember being mad when Microsoft discontinued Internet Explorer for Mac (some sites didn't work in Netscape).

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