
Feeling Old (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, August 13, 2015, 19:03 (3487 days ago) @ Durandal

I'll play.

I cried when #1 song "I Want to Hold Your Hand" played on the radio. (So I'm told.)
I spent a lot of time with my grandmother growing up. (She lived with us.) She was born in 1889.
My first favorite show was called "The Banana Splits Adventure Hour." Also dug H.R. Pufnstuf.
I watched us land on the moon the first time (at school no less--everyone alive on the planet did, if they could sit up and had access to TV).
I remember being amazed by Pong at the local Kmart.
My first "video game" after Pong was Mattel Electronic Football.
My favorite arcade games had vector graphics, like Red Baron and Tempest
The gaming fad at my high school was backgammon. I'm serious. People brought sets to school (until they were banned).
I remember us not having a microwave oven or a coffee maker. (My parents drank instant coffee.)
From the age of about 10 on, I went wherever I wanted when school was out as long as I was home by dark.
Nixon was the first president I remember, and I was mad about Watergate mainly because the news coverage interrupted some of my favorite shows.
I learned to type on an IBM selectric writing a letter to CBS because they cancelled the truly awful Planet of the Apes TV series.
I watched Evel Knievel (not) jump over the Snake River canyon live on closed Circuit TV.
When my dad and I were picking out my first stereo at age 11 the salesman tried to tell me that cassettes were the future. I laughed at him. There were SO MANY MORE EIGHT-TRACKS in the stores.
When I started my first job at a record store, there were albums, and about half and half cassettes and eight tracks. John Lennon was still alive.
Let's just say I lost my innocence in more ways than one the day the space shuttle Challenger blew up.
My first computer was a Macintosh 512K. I remember how excited I was when I finally got a second floppy drive and no longer had to swap disks.
I was a Bungie fan before I could play Bungie games. (I had a Mac Classic until Marathon came out, and that game is why I bought a Power Mac.) Before I lived vicariously through reviews in MacWorld and such.

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