
So, I have to ask you all . . . (Off-Topic)

by Quirel, Friday, August 14, 2015, 02:05 (3487 days ago) @ cheapLEY

What was Lincoln like as a President?

Was it scary dealing with all the dinosaurs and saber tooth tigers and shit?

Did the first car absolutely blow your minds? The first plane?

I'm not as old as these guys here. My claim to antiquity comes from growing up in the dirt-poor half of the state and living behind everyone else in terms of technological development.
We were on 28.8 dailup for sooo long...

Oh, and I also talked to one of the NASA engineers that had been in the control room during the first moon landing. I wish I'd got his name.

But my grandfather... born 1887, died sometime in the seventies. His father was a sheriff back when Yakima was first being settled. My grandfather grew up before cars were in vogue. He would've been a man by the time the Wright brothers took flight. By the time he died, we'd landed men on the moon and we lived under the constant threat of nuclear annihilation delivered by ballistic missiles. World War One, the Spanish Flu, the Great Depression, nylon stockings, WWII, he lived through it all. The radio was invented, became the popular medium, and was eclipsed by TV when he died. Desegregation of the armed forces, and then schools, and then nationwide would have taken place when he was looking forward to retirement, and it pissed him off.

By all accounts, he was an asshole (And by all accounts, it's hereditary) but I would have loved to talk to him.

Now, back to working on my time machine.

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