
Very Confused (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 02:02 (3481 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I still don't understand the new light and level system.

What exactly does level do now? Do you still have a damage penalty to enemies above your level?
Does raising your light level increase your damage? So can you make your gun more powerful by equipping better armor?
Does light actually adjust your stats, or is it just a quick "at a glance" to see how powerful you are?

From the definition of "Light" I think it will replace the current system of level differences affecting damage. Of course, they haven't clearly stated this, I feel like I heard them say during the stream today that Level determines the quality of gear you can equip, but level is easy to adjust.

The Light Level is the thing you will work for, but it is a HUGE improvement over the current system because (as they said in the stream) a single raid-tier or high level weapon immediately will make you more powerful.

My understanding is that Level is the gate to the gear (with top tier gear requiring Level 40). This is OK because level is fun to attain, since you can literally do anything you want to raise it. If you don't have fun leveling this way, you should probably not be playing the game. The Light stat would then be the new "Power" measure for your actual damage output and damage received. This is how I interpret the way they were talking in the stream. If this is the system, it is a VAST improvement. A single high tier weapon, armor, ghost shell, or artifact will bump you in a measurable way, making each piece more rewarding, and each new piece "easier" to attain (since you will be more powerful).

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