
Things are still a bit foggy, but these changes are good (Destiny)

by Doooskey, Kansas City, MO, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 14:20 (3481 days ago) @ DreadPirateWes

I haven't been following all the updates, but I'd thought levels were replacing light levels. Keeping them both seems redundumb.

Before these changes, your character's power was essentially reliant on RNG, and the system of light level, was unforgiving. You could go from 109 light to 119 light and still be level 29. You worked, got better gear, but are 1 light from the huge boost between 29 to 30. With the new system, you will incrementally grow more powerful with each better piece of gear you attain. The gear itself is attained in more directed ways, so the game makes progressing easier and more reasonable.

Also, switching Level to the gate to your gear means that every time a new expansion comes out, you have a reason to play the content, to get experience, to get levels, so that you can wear the top tier gear. This system really is similar to other RPG's.

Things are still foggy though... If I have a 160 Attack Fatebringer, but all my other gear is 280, then my light will be 267. Does the Fatebringer do damage based off of my light of 267 or based off it's attack of 160? Is the attack of 160 a base that is then multiplied by my light? Who knows!? (Personally, I hope the gear attack/defense functions as a base, which is then compared to overall light to determine attack/defense. Because that way both numbers matter significantly, and that way old gear really will phase out quickly.)

Also, I have a feeling that 280 light is the vendor level of gear and 300 will be Raid and End Game level gear... Just my thoughts, it seems so obvious, but maybe I'm crazy.

I really see a huge improvement from this system regardless of the current confusion over how exactly everything works. Why? Because there is a clear path to level 40, and a clear path to getting high light gear. If the RNG is friendly, as has been repeatedly suggested, I think this release will vastly improve our experience in the game.

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