
It now aligns to your usual RPG. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 22:22 (3480 days ago) @ Leviathan

How much more quickly does the average of 45 and 34 tell you how your gear is doing than the two numbers 45 and 34 do?

Much quicker when you're looking at the eight or so pieces of weapons and gear Destiny actually has and not my simplified example. :)

I can see why armor defensive stats should aggregate (NOT average!) but why should my two non-equipped weapons affect how well the weapon I'm holding performs?

I could see why my "level" should affect that, whether that is derived from earned XP or light earned from gear, but why should a purple scout rifle in my hand perform worse or better based on the quality of the rocket launcher on my back?

That's aggressively dumb, if that's the way it works. If not.. okay, but if this is Bungie abandoning the "the thing that's different about our game is how you level above the soft cap" then they explained the idea better than they explained the abandonment of it.

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