
But we still don't know... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, August 20, 2015, 19:11 (3480 days ago) @ Xenos

The info we're still missing is if our level (1-40) still impacts our damage output and armor. As in: if 2 players have the same light level, but one is 33 and the other is 34, is the 33 at a disadvantage?

The best possible explanation I've heard is that our 1-40 level has nothing to do with our armor or damage output... but it DOES determine what gear we are able to equip, and THAT is reflected by our light level.

Right, but with the question specifically about IB and trials, we will know in the future (because we'll have figured it out) and you can still see it at a glance. That was the primary concern brought up by bluerunner

Yes, being able to see it is important. My first concern with all of this was that we would need to take both rank and light levels into account. So if I went in to trials and inspected another player, I'd say "well my light level is higher but his rank is higher so I have no idea what is going to happen". I doubt it will play out like that, though.

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