
I love my Solar Jewel! (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Tuesday, September 01, 2015, 19:56 (3468 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I disagree with you on all points. It does no more damage than any medium high impact hand cannon, giving me no real reason to use it over other guns, its small magazine size makes killing yellow enemies difficult, and its recoil curve isn't up/down like the other hand cannons, but way off to the left. I have much greater success using Vision of Confluence.

6 dreg pride, in addition to having a normal recoil curve, does as much damage, but critically also holds 12 shots so I can at least kill a guy with it. It's the better gun for my gameplay.

PVP is different, but in general, the point is moot because neither of these hand cannons are an ideal PVP choice, where you would want a Red Hand for auto aim, word of Crota for TTK, fulcrum for mini hawkmoon, etc. Unless it's your only legendary hand cannon, it won't come up except for fun. And it's not fun to me.

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