
Fallen abilities in the post-story missions (Destiny)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, September 17, 2015, 13:17 (3452 days ago) @ Monochron

This probably doesn't need its own thread, but I just wanted to comment that some of the encounters are strangely frustrating in the post-story missions. In particular there are high damage attacks that are near impossible to dodge. One from the Cabal for instance tracks you around corners and, if stuck on a corner, will just wait until it can follow you again. The Minotaur shot is more dodgeable but comes with such rapid fire that it can take down your shields in under a second.

And why have the mechanics of the missions messed with? I took a break from the Venus final(?) mission during the last battle and when I tried to start it back up again I found that it DIDN'T save my progress. Seriously, I have to play through the whole thing again? It was frustrating enough once. This one and the VoG one in particular have Darkness zones that set you back WAY too far if you die. And considering the flood of enemies that you can't damage (because those goblins are shielding them while remaining completely out of sight), it's no easy feat dodging around until you can get an angle at the ones you can actually shoot. Huge quantities of enemies alone isn't all that great.

I love a tough challenge where I spend most of my time behind cover taking pot shots for fear of instant death . . . but I usually prefer to manually set a high difficulty to do that. First time running through seems a bit crappy. I can't enjoy what is happening with the (actually present) story.

Meh, so far TTK is pretty amazballs, but this part has me miffed.

The first time I ran into the Taken Fallen Captain in Dock 13 he kicked my butt. I had no idea what was happening, why I'd be suddenly be blind and then dead. I've since learned to dodge, but it's not easy in close quarters. Reminded me of my first encounters with the Archon Priest in that same area. I remember being scared of him, too.

I'm liking that the world feels dangerous again.

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