
Destiny for PS4 controls

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 17:07 (4192 days ago) @ Schooly D

Dislike. Can someone tell me why Bungie is following the ADS trend? It slows down combat and simplifies aiming. That sounds like I answered my own question, but I'd like to know why they think these are desirable goals.

Watching the gameplay demo 10+ times it seems that the game does not rely on it for accuracy too much, Staten was easily getting headshots without using it, and ADS he only used when he was trying to make more difficult shots like when the dredge is running away from him. This unlike most FPS that use ADS where you can not at all make headshots consistently without ADS. I am okay with that kind of implementation personally even though I normally don't prefer ADS.

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