
Destiny for PS4 controls

by Chewbaccawakka @, The Great Green Pacific Northwest!, Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 21:27 (4192 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

I do hope these will be mutable. I'm getting it for Xbox 360 but honestly the controllers are identical button-wise. I prefer melee to be a button, crouch to be clicking the right* stick, aiming to be clicking the left* stick, reloading to be the left* bumper, grenades (or solar flares) to be the right* trigger, and sprint to be a button. Anyone else have control preferences differing from the diagram?

Nah, I usually just learn the default control scheme for each game I play.

*For some reason, LS is on the side of R1 & R2. Since I don't know the convention, left stick for me is RS on the diagram and left trigger/bumper is L2/L1.

Yeah, I think that might be a typo. RS and LS should be swapped to make sense...

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