
Destiny for PS4 controls

by SIX min WHISTLE @, Michigan, Thursday, June 13, 2013, 01:12 (4192 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

Technically, clicked sticks on PlayStation has always been L3 and R3.

But yeah, I hope we get new Recon/Bumper Jumper/Etc. I'm OK with these controls in a co-op setting, but I still prefer the traditional Halo controls for competitive gameplay. I don't like Sprint being on a stick if you actually use it a lot, and I know I will since we can slide.

Maybe we'll finally get customizable controls. I wonder if there are any guns that require triggers like the Plasma Pistol. Even then though, PS has had pressure sensitive buttons since at least PS2, (maybe earlier, I only know of Metal Gear using the function)

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