I'll share this here

by NsU Soldier @, Washington, Thursday, June 13, 2013, 11:07 (4192 days ago) @ Mr Daax

Supposedly these will be made for the PS4. From @AngryJoeShow


I wonder where the touchpad will go

1.) It looks tiny! (look at the size of the USB cable in comparison.)
2.) As you said, where's the touchpad?

Personally, I'll stick with the PS4 controller until a better third party comes out.

On a related note...

People should never have, "I don't like the controller" as a meaningful reason not to game on a specific console.

First of all, you'll get used to any controller if you just use it for a couple of hours.

Secondly, there are usually a whole HOST of third party accessory makers that make X-style controller for Y console. (And I can only see the offerings of such controllers becoming more and more commonplace.)

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