Revisiting an old plea

Music of the Spheres is a symphonic suite that we first heard about when Bungie announced Destiny, back in early 2013. (We didn't mention it by name here until June of that year - but Marty O'Donnell and Mike Salvatori talked about it during the initial Destiny press conference in February.) It's one of the things that got lost in the ether when Marty O'Donnell was fired from Bungie in 2014 - while parts of it (maybe all of it) found life in the game, the suite, as a whole, remains unreleased. Yesterday, a fan decided to see if he could help change that - Timothy Nyce started a petition on to try and convince Bungie to release the music after all. In its first day, it garnered over 1,000 signatures; what number would change minds and put this in the hands of the fans? Sign it and see!
Claude Errera | Dec 2, 2017 12:31 pm |