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And now you know... the rest of the stories

A quick roundup of other info drops from around the web:

reddit_sm.pngreddit user FutureWarCult has collected screenshots from all the articles - you can scroll through them here. Lots of comments, as well. In the same vein, INSANEdrive found a native Russian speaker to translate some of the visible text in the shots.

theguardian.pngThe Guardian posted their review of the time they spent in Bellevue recently - it's full of fun tidbits. (Lots of them have been seen in other reviews - but some are unique.) It's pretty hefty, overall.

gamespot_logo.pngGamespot put up a piece discussing the lack of a PC option for Destiny (at least at launch), and the reasons behind this decision. Sort of nice to see an honest discussion of what ISN'T happening - usually, those are made impossible by marketing realities.

theknow.jpgThe Know (a gaming info channel from Rooster Teeth) has some of the choice bits about how characters and classes work, as the start of their week-long coverage of Destiny.

g_o_d.jpgroland let us know that tonight's Guardian Radio will feature DeeJ, live, on the stream - be sure to listen in! (It kicks off in less than an hour, so clear your schedule.)

For the most part, these links came from Xenos. One of these days, he'll fire me. Until then, I'll keep telling you what he finds.

TAGS: news, roundup
Claude Errera | Apr 28, 2014 06:52 pm | link