Destiny 2 Update
Episode: Heresy
- Fixed an issue where Sigil Stones could drop from defeated combatants much faster than intended.
Trials of Osiris
- Reduced how much going Flawless affects Weekly Performance Based matchmaking for solo players.
- Lighthouse Passages can no longer be reset from the Director if a loss has not been recorded on the passage.
- Fixed an issue where the Seasonal and Lifetime Flawless Passages trackers were incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where wins were not correctly granting progress points towards Ghosts dropping.
- Rank point gains and losses have been adjusted.
- Increased the effectiveness of the quitter compensation aspect of the contribution scalar.
- Reduced the number of points that the skill modifier can add or remove.
Dungeons and Raids
Sundered Doctrine
- Mission Complete should now fire shortly after defeating Kerrev and receiving loot unless players are actively trying to open the vault door.
- Fixed an issue where the drop rate for Finality's Auger was not properly scaling with boosts from Triumphs.
- In addition, all players that complete Sundered Doctrine will receive an additional boost to its initial drop rate.
- Fixed an issue where opening one of the hidden chests could lock that character out of acquiring focused gear for that week.
- Fixed an issue where hidden chests could despawn shortly after being opened.
- Fixed an issue where Pyramid Switches could be activated by AOE damage sources.
Exotic Missions
Zero Hour
- Fixed an issue preventing players from completing the activity which also affected rewards and pursuit progress.
- Zero Hour has been reenabled.
Gameplay and Investment
Exotic Armor
- Blight Ranger
- Cancelling Arc Staff with Blight Ranger now triggers Bolt Charge.
- Arbor Warden
- Arbor Warden's "Barri-nade" now picks up the benefits of Storm's Keep.
- Speaker's Sight
- Fixed an issue where the Speaker's Sight healing turret was healing more than intended in The Nether.
- Solipsism - Spirit of Filaments
- Fixed an issue that caused Spirit of the Filaments to not reward class ability energy properly.
- Solipsism - Spirit of Necrotic
- Fixed an issue where Spirit of Necrotic was granting Devour.
- Fixed an issue where Redrix's Estoc could not roll with random Stocks.
- Fixed an issue where, after unlocking a pattern from Vault of Glass, the Deepsight mod socket would still appear visible.
Exotic Weapons
- Lodestar
- Reduced the damage fall off range when fired from the hip.
- Fixed an unintended aim assist disparity between mouse/keyboard and controller when using Lodestar's hip fire.
- Finality's Auger
- Fixed an issue where the turret could linger after swapping to another Heavy weapon.
- Barrow-Dyad
- Fixed an issue causing Barrow Dyad's particles to not render correctly when impacting Phalanx shields.
- Fixed an issue where Ionic Sentry turret damage/kills did not count as ability damage/kills.
- Fixed an issue causing Bolt Charge to discharge when healing an ally with a Rift.
- Fixed an issue causing roaming Supers to end early when using Ascension.
- Updated Flashover to no longer provide increased Bolt Charge lightning bolt damage vs players in PvP.
- Fixed an issue where the boost from Volatile Marksman was providing class ability energy on any instance of splash damage instead of just Volatile detonations.
- To compensate for the reduction:
- Increased Class Ability energy on Volatile detonation to 9% (from 7%).
- Reduced cooldown to 0.1s (from 0.35s).
- Fixed an issue where Particle Reconstruction was stacking with other debuffs.
- Fixed an Issue where Particle Reconstruction couldn't be applied by certain Fusion Rifles.
- Fixed an issue with Facet of Hope that was contributing to players receiving BIRD errors.
- Fixed an issue causing the Eris vendor on the Moon to T pose.
- Fixed an issue with shield regen audio looping continuously in The Nether.
- Fixed an issue where the Wish-Ending Bundle and the Rat King Bundle could appear owned, even if never purchased.
- Fixed a labeling issue affecting some Weapon Ornament bundles.