Patch Note Archive
11 March 2025
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Destiny 2 Update 8.2.5



The Nether

  • Reduced damage taken from Sharpshooter's Burden.
  • Reduced damage taken to health from Fragile Strength.
  • Fixed an issue where Paracasual Payload was not providing Kinetic weapons with extra damage.
  • Fixed an issue where Paracausal Siphon was not proving buffs to elemental damage.


  • Fixed an issue where lore books were not being correctly rewarded.



  • Fixed an issue where Lockdown did not award or display medals.


  • Trials of Osiris and Competitive playlists
    • Enabled solo vs. fireteam loss forgiveness
    • Duos and trios can now be matched together


  • Enabled the new Ascendant 0 rank for players above 10000.
    • Wins while in the Ascendant 0 rank have a chance to drop the new "Darkest Night" emblem.
    • Rebalanced the rank-based matchmaking brackets to account for this new rank.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing players from being awarded the fixed roll of Redrix's Estoc upon completing their placement matches.
    • Players who never earned this roll can claim it from Lord Shaxx.
  • Fixed an issue that was blocking players from being able to focus previous Competitive rewards.

Iron Banner

  • Fixed an issue where the weekly challenge referenced Stasis instead of Strand.

Dungeons and Raids

Vesper's Host

  • Fixed an issue in the first encounter where a nuclear core wouldn't spawn even after activating all the correct panels.

Gameplay and Investment



Sealed Ahamkara Grasps

  • Fixed an issue where Nightmare Fuel's damage bonus would be reduced by 5% while Radiant.
  • Fixed an issue where your held weapon would not receive the Nightmare Fuel damage buff after getting a melee or finisher final blow without Nightmare Fuel active.
    • This does not apply if Nightmare Fuel was already active when getting a melee or finisher kill. If the Nightmare Fuel meter is not empty, the damage boost is active.

Radiant Dance Machines

  • Fixed an issue that could cause extra dodge charges to be lost when transitioning between bubbles in various activities.

Shards of Galanor

  • Fixed an issue where this Exotic could refund energy for any Super, instead of just Blade Barrage and Silk Strike.

Relativism - Spirit of Galanor

  • Fixed an issue where Spirit of Galanor was refunding less energy than intended for non-roaming Supers.


No Backup Plans

  • Fixed an issue where the intended Shotgun damage bonus would be reduced by 5% while Radiant.

Khepri's Horn

  • Fixed an issue where the Solar waves from Khepri's Horn would not break Stasis crystals.

Hazardous Propulsion

  • Fixed an issue where the benefit from the "Enhanced Rockets" buff would be reduced by 5% while Radiant.

Armor customization

  • Fixed an issue where Warlock and Titan leg armor from Sundered Doctrine was not available for transmog.
  • Fixed an issue where the Stasis armor sets did not show their correct name.



  • Fixed an issue where the Vault of Glass (Timelost) weapons did not have the proper flavor text.
  • Fixed an issue where enhanced/crafted weapons with some new weapon perks couldn't obtain a masterwork border.
  • Fixed an issue where the Adept Shader for Trials weapons was not correctly changing colors based on the state of the glow.

Weapon archetypes

Wave-Frame Swords

  • Fixed an issue where the wave attack did not do damage in PvP.

Lightweight Pulse Rifles

  • Body shot damage against players reduced from 20.4 to 19.7.
  • Critical hit damage against players reduced from 31.8 to 31.5.
    • Note: This is still a damage increase over their values pre-, but it does shift some of the forgiveness and optimal kill thresholds downward.
  • Redrix's Estoc
    • Reduced handling from 79 to 74.

Weapon perks

Sword Logic

  • PvP only
    • Reduced base damage bonus for kills against players from 20% to 15%.
    • Increased damage bonus for kills against players in Super from 35% to 50%.

Enhanced Collective Action

  • Fixed an issue where the perk was not activating when collecting Stasis Shards created by Prismatic fragments.

Enhanced Slideways

  • Fixed an issue where the perk had a shorter than intended duration.

Discord and Harmony

  • Fixed an issue where both perks had their countdown start before switching to the weapon with the perk.


All Classes


  • Facet of Blessing
    • Fixed an issue where final blows from certain melee abilities, such as Consecration and Thunderclap, were not triggering health regeneration.



  • Smoke debuff
    • No longer slows player movement speed, jump height, or weapon handling in PvP.
    • No longer suppresses player movement abilities in PvP.
  • On the Prowl
    • Removed first-person glow from hunted player's perspective.
    • Reduced strength of glow on hunted players in third person.


  • Fixed an issue where the Piercing Sidearms perk granted wasn't piercing some types of shields.

Power and Progression

  • Fixed an issue where the new Iron Banner weapons did not progress the Orimund's Taste Triumph.


  • Fixed an issue where the Artificial Sun Ornament for Lodestar appeared under the Pulse Rifle section in Collections.
  • Fixed an issue where the Chatterwhite shader did not appear in Collections.


  • Updated the international Silver purchase confirmation to use the current Episode's art.