Search results for tag 'andy'
Showing results 1 - 2 of 2 matches
Andy Xiao: 8-bit beginnings to Spec Ops Specialist

The latest Breaking In feature is up over at; this installment focuses fire on Andy Xiao, a generalist operative on the Spec Ops team. His various talents are applied in key places to enrich the Bungie secret sauce, adding his own artistic touch to the Destiny experience. Go read up on this tea-swilling, cat-loving craftsman; I'm looking forward to seeing the hard work he and his team put into Public Events!
Malagate | Jan 14, 2014 05:08 pm |
Beautiful Reasons to Haul Uranus Around the Solar System

Bungie art director Christopher Barrett is back with the Game Informer crew breaking down the incredible locations you'll visit around the solar system when you pop Destiny into your disc tray. No word on whether or not GI can be held legally responsible for the damage my drool has now caused my laptop keyboard. Thanks a lot guys. Anyway... GO CHECK IT OUT!
GrimBrother One | Dec 20, 2013 11:10 am |