Search results for tag 'handcannon'
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 matches
The Gun You Love to Hate

Do you hate Thorn? You're not alone - Kotaku
posted an entire article about about overpowered this hand cannon is... and how much they actually want one. (I mean... it may be overpowered, but we should all have a chance to use overpowered, right?) Revenant1988
linked it in our forum, and it touched off a lively discussion; give it a read, and see if you've got anything to add!
Claude Errera | Jun 8, 2015 06:32 pm |
Real Fake Hand Cannons
Prop maker Zander Brandt has created highly detailed hand cannon replicas fit for any gunslinger. The Hawkmoon is particularly cool and I wouldn’t mind owning one myself! You can check out Zander’s blog to see how he built these weapons. (via Kotaku)

colindosaj | Apr 15, 2015 03:48 pm |
Imagining an Exotic
Community member and treasured artist, TDSpiral, took a stab at imagining an Exotic handcannon called "The Serpent" created originally by a fan on Reddit. The results were awesome, and while I picked my favorite to highlight here, he's got a wallop of variations to gaze at.

Leviathan | Feb 3, 2015 04:24 pm |