Search results for tag 'penny-arcade'
Showing results 1 - 3 of 3 matches
Plenty of Arcade

back in October, we mentioned another Penny Arcade strip focused on Destiny - but we haven't mentioned them since. There have been almost half a dozen Destiny-related strips in the past month - it's high time we let you know about them. (The latest came out today, and triggered this post.) Go read up!
Thanks to cheapLEY for the latest heads-up.
Claude Errera | Feb 24, 2016 03:27 pm |
Penny Arcade - Showtime
Penny Arcade has had a number of their comic strips reference Destiny in the past, but this new one almost made me shed a tear of admiration for all the Fallen I've slaughtered! Thanks to SigbiasSilva for pointing it out in our forum.

Leviathan | Oct 21, 2015 11:01 am |

Today's Penny Arcade is, once again, Destiny-related. And again, they've been spying on me, because I feel like I said all of this stuff last night. Two thumbs up. (Except for the spying. That's creepy.)
Claude Errera | Jun 8, 2015 06:56 pm |